The Lamp of Scriptures and Reasoning,
A Tibetan Buddhist perspective on the faults of eating meat,
by Lama Phurbu Tashi (1973) is one of the more recent texts on Buddhism
and vegetarianism. Without doubt this publiciation is a must
read for all (Tibetan) Buddhists, meat eaters or not.
The text is written by Lama Minyak Phurbu Tashi from East Tibet
of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. In a foreword both H.H.
Dalai Lama XIV and H.H. Karmapa Orgyen Trinle Dorje recommend the
book and underline the importance of the message of the author.
Phurbu Tashi
expresses himself in a frank and clear manner. Already in the beginning
of the book he asks the reader: "In general, regardless of
the tradition, religions teach beings the means of searching for
hapiness and truth. Suppose, if some should teach that one should
kill and eat meat, need it to be said that this would be a perverted
For Phurbu Tashi it goes without saying that a Buddhist is vegetarian.
About craving for the taste of fellow sentient beings, he says:
"There is no need to mention how this contradicts the view
and conduct of the Mahayana where one is to cherish others more
than oneself. It also contradicts the training of the shravakas
and pratekyabuddhas of the Theravada tradition." And about
vegetarianism within Tibetan Buddhism he explains that, "since
the majority of the previous great beings of Tibet not even would
wear cloths and shoes made with leader and skins", and (...)
avoided riding animals such as horses, there is no need to mention
that they did not eat meat.