the current food crisis deepens, maintaining a vegetarian diet is
becoming increasingly relevant. Shabkar.Org has been updated with
the PDF of Green Dharma, the new book by Dr. Georg Feuerstein
and his wife Brenda Feuerstein. The book can be downloaded for free.
Chapter 6 deals with food.
"The unprecedented opulence of our civilization is maintained
by an equally unprecedented ruthless exploitation of the natural
environment, which is now in danger of collapsing. Our extravagant
modern lifestyle, which in the span of just 150 years has had a
devastating impact on planet Earth, is earmarked for failure. Some
would argue that it is pathological. A radical turn-about is essential
for the regeneration, indeed the survival, of the natural world
and thus the continuation of our human species. If we, as Dharma
practitioners, cannot live sanely, who will?"
This is what the Georg & Brenda Feuerstein ask themselves and
ask the readers of their new book, Green Dharma. A book the
authors offer as a free download.
Dharma grew out of the same environmental and social concerns that
the authors raised in their previous and related work, Green
Georg and Brenda Feuerstein: "Because many Dharma practitioners
still do not consider the Buddhas teaching as a form of Yoga,
which it is, they might also not be inclined to pick up Green Yoga.
Therefore it seemed to us that a book specifically written for a
Buddhist audience would be justified. Our intention behind writing
this book is twofold: first, we wanted to paint in broad strokes
a realistic picture of todays environmental collapse, including
the juggernaut problem of global warming; second, we wanted to highlight
the important principles of the Buddhist teachings (the Dharma)
inasmuch as they are especially relevant in dealing wisely with
the environmental crisis."
In particular,
the authors have drawn from the sayings of the Buddha as recorded
in the Pali Canon, especially the Basket of Discourses with its
five divisions, but also have cited his words as recorded in the
Mahayana literature. Green Dharma contains Dharma presentations
of old masters like Shantideva, Atisha, Milarepa, Je Tsongkhapa,
and Shabkar, as well as contemporary masters like H. H. the Dalai
Lama, Chatral Rinpoche, and Thich Nhat Hanh.
Green Dharma is accessible also to relative newcomers to Buddhism.The
authors have deliberately avoided technical matters and jargon and
have banished references to the endnotes.
Related external links: 
Backgrounds on Dr.
Georg Feuerstein
Backgrounds on Brenda
The book Green