H.H. Dalai Lama promotes a vegetarian lifestyle wherever he can.
His own kitchen is 100% vegetarian:*
- millions and billions - of animals are killed for food. This is
very sad. We human beings can live without meat, especially in our
modern world. We have a great variety of vegetables and other supplementary
foods, so we have the capacity and the responsibility to save billions
of lives. I have seen many individuals and groups promoting animal
rights and following a vegetarian diet. This is excellent (...)
I think that our basic human nature is vegetarian - making effort
not to harm other living beings. If we apply intelligence, we can
create a sound, nutritional program."
In recent years
the Dalai Lama has also frequently spoken about the importance of
wildlife conservation. In April 2005 he launched a campaign by Care
for the Wild International and the Wildlife Trust of India to combat
the illegal wildlife trade along Tibet's border with India and Nepal.
But he gave a particularly strong message direct to Tibetans from
Tibet during the Kalachakra religious ceremony at Amaravati, Andhra
Pradesh, in January 2006. On the final day of the empowerment the
Dalai Lama said he was "ashamed" to see images of Tibetans
decorating themselves with skins and furs of animals like tigers
and leopards. He told Tibetans from Tibet and exile communities:
"When you go back to your respective places, remember what
I had said earlier and never use, sell, or buy wild animals, their
products or derivatives."
Governement of Tibet in Exile
The book: Worlds
in Harmony, Dialogues on Compassionate Action
H.H. Dalai Lama's 2006 Kalachakra Speech Pro Veg Against Fur
Text of H.H. Dalai Lama's 2006 Kalachakra Speech Pro Veg Against
Fur [PDF-
44 KB]
Video of Burning Animal Skins in Tibet After H.H. Speech
available via Shabkar.Org:
Dalai Lama on Envirnoment
[PDF- 425 KB]
also RawVeg.Info
* When H.H.
Dalai Lama is in the company of non-vegetarians, he sometimes says
"I am a Tibetan monk, not a vegetarian" and occasionally
takes meat. As an observation one could say that especially for
(Western) vegetarian Buddhists it is not easy to understand why
amongst the many ideals and practises H.H. Dalai Lama lives up to,
abstaining from eating meat under all circumstances is not one of
them. However within Buddhist Dharma it is not done to proudly judge
a man like His Holiness because of statements and outer actions
we might not understand. See also the
article of André Kalden and the article of Catherine
Vegetarians and the Dalai Lama;