this I teach for all who follow in the footsteps of the Buddhas
of the past, for those who act with virtue, who are faithful and
untouched by doubt. These are the noble daughters and the noble
sons of Shakyamunis lineage, who have no clinging to their
bodies, lives, possessions, and to their sense of taste. Indeed
they crave no tastes of any kind; they are compassionate and, like
me, hold all beings in their love. They are great beings, Bodhisattvas.
All living things are dear to them as though they were their own
beloved children. May they keep this teaching in their minds!"
Once upon a time, O Mahamati, there was a king whose name
was Senge Bangzang. He was a meat devourer. Indeed, if truth be
told, he craved the taste of meats that are forbidden and at length
began to eat the flesh of human beings. His family, his court, his
relatives and friends all fled from him, as did all the people of
his town and country. Thus abandoned, he suffered greatly. O Mahamati,
even Indra, when in the past he came to be the ruler of the gods,
due to his ingrained propensity for the consumption of meat, would
at times take the shape of a hawk and do many cruel and evil things,
even tearing at the breast of the innocent Shiden, the compassionate
king, causing him great pain. Mahamati, the habit of eating meat,
acquired over many lives, is the cause of many defects in oneself
and is the source of the evils that one does to others?though one
be born as Indra, let alone some lesser being."
Mahamati, there is another tale about a ruler of men who was
carried away by a powerful and unruly horse so that he lost his
way and wandered in the wilderness. In order to survive, he took
to living with a lioness, and children were at length born to them.
The kings offspring, Kangtra and his brothers, growing up
among the lions, became meat eaters. Owing to the habit acquired
at this time, Kangtra continued to eat meat in his later lives even
when he eventually became a king of men. And, Mahamati, this same
king Kangtra and his brothers, even in their present existence,
in the city of Khyimdun, still retain their craving for meat and
even feed on flesh that is forbidden, wherefore they will be born
as evil, flesh-devouring ghouls, both male and female. In times
to come, Mahamati, in their subsequent existences, due to the longing
for the taste of meat, they will be born as carnivorous beasts,
lions, tiers, leopards, wolves, cats, foxes, and owls and as rakshasas
and other demons, all of them cruel devourers of flesh. And after
such experience it will be hard for them ever to regain a human
form, let alone attain nivana. Such, Mahamati, are the defects of
eating meat, and such indeed is the destiny of those who consume
it in great quantity.