= top download
Son and Zen Masters
- Buddhism
& Vegetarianism Poster Slide Show
By Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery [download
1.4 MB]
- Comments
on the Surangama Sutra & Food
By Master Hsuan
942 KB]
- Interview
with Ven. Sven Ross (2004)
By Gabe Konrad
248 KB]
- On
Stopping Killing
By Master Lun-ch'i Chu-hung [download
136 KB]
- The
Horror of Taking Lives and Eating Meat
By Master Hsuan Hua [download
190 KB] 
- To
Cherish All Life
By Roshi Kapleau [download
4 MB]
Tibetan Buddhist
(monks, teachers and scientists)
- Ahimsa (& Vegetarianism), The Light of Truth
By Ven. Lokanatha [download 546 KB]
- Taking
a Stand
By Ven. Abhinaya [download 99 KB]
- Buddhism
& Vegetarianism
By Ajahn Jagaro (Disrobed - now
John Cianciosi) [download
138 KB]
- Food
& Buddhism (Different
interpretation of same text as John Cianciosi)
By Dr. B.G.
Jivasattha - [download
331 KB]
- The
Question of Vegetarianism and Diet in Pali Buddhism

By James J. Stewart [download
360 KB]
- A Controversy on Vegetarianism
Katia Buffetrille, EPHE, CRCAO [download] 
- Buddhism Between Abstinence and Indulgence:
Vegetarianism in the Life and Works of
Jigmé Lingpa
Geoffrey Barstow, Ph.D. [download ]
- Attitude
to and Treatment of the Natural World
Prof. Peter Harvey [download
216 KB]
- Buddhism
& Vegetarianism, Fiveteen Questions and Answers
By David N. Snyder, Ph.D. [download
190 KB]
- Green
Dharma (Chapter
6 is on food)
Georg and Brenda Feuerstein [download
- Re-translation
of the Lankavatara Sutra, Chapter Eight, & Commentary
William Bagley [download
300 KB]
- Interview
with Norm Phelps
Gabe Konrad [download
242 KB]
as a Vegetarian Tibetan Buddhist Practitioner,
By Eileen Weintraub [download
115 KB]
Garlic and Onions:
An Analysis of Eating Restrictions in Buddhist Culture
By Nick Kembel
114 KB]
and Poison
By Padme Zhibde (Bonnie Holsinger) [download
176 KB]
the Eschatology of the Mahparinirvana Sutra and Other Matters
By Stephen Hodge [download
153 KB]
- Shojin
Ryori, Culinary Fundamentals in Zen
By Fujii Sotetsu [download
193 KB]
- The
Five Precepts
By Chánh Kiên
(Gábor Konrád) [download
168 KB] 
- The
Future Doesn't Hurt. Yet.
By Matthieu Ricard [download
190 KB]
- Vietnam.-Engl.
Buddhist Dictionary, Some Entries on Vegetarianism
By Thiên Phúc Trân Ngoc
111 KB]
- Western
Buddhist Motivations for Vegetarianism
By Stephanie Kaza
2,1 MB]
Ethics, Rights & Law—A Bibliography
By Patrick S. O’Donnell (2006) [download
282 KB]
- Chapter
One of Neither Monk Nor Layman (On the Japanese Nikujiki
Saitai Law of 1872, including allowing meat eating by Buddhist
By Richard Jeffe [download
471 KB]
- Detachement
and Compassion in Early Buddhism
By Elizabeth Harris [download
137 KB]
- Livestock's
Long Shadow, Environmental Issues and Options
By the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
4 MB]
In Tibetan Culture
By Zach Larson
- download complete book in zipfile
of 6 MB
- or per chapter of 0.5 - 1.5 MB each: 1,
- Prisoned
Chickens Poisoned Eggs
By Karin Davis, Ph.D. [download
1.2 MB]
- Tibetan
Volunteers for Animals Newsletter 2006 [download
228 KB]
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