'Let no one cherish
the illusion that animals raised for slaughter by modern methods
live a relatively carefree existence on the farm, with their needs
amply provided for, and that when they are slaughtered it is done
painlessly. The truth is just the oposite.'
'How is it possible to swallow the carcasses of slain creatures,
permeated as they are with the violent energy of the pain and the
terror experienced by them at the time of their slaughter, and not
have hatred, agression and violence stimulated in oneself and others?
"While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts,"asks
George Bernhard Shaw, "how can we expect any ideal consitions
on the earth?" This sentiment is echoed in an ancient Chinese
verse that vividly describes the evil karma generated by the killing
of animals.
For hundreds
of thousands of years
the stew in the pot
has brewed hatred and resentment
that is difficult to stop.
If you wish to know why there are disasters
of armies and weapons in the world,
listen ro the piteous cries
from the slaughterhouses at midnight.'
Cherish all life [download
- 4 mb]